
Showing posts from January, 2022

How much do you know about the air you breathe?

  Introduction Have you ever considered how much air we take in daily? Every inhalation, scientists estimate, brings in around 25 sextillions (that's 25 followed by 21 zeros) molecules. Humans already know that we take between 17,000 and 30,000 breaths every day, so that's at least 425 septillions (24 zeros) air molecules per day. And that's assuming we don't do anything except sit around all day. Any movement causes us to take in more air. Do you have any responsibilities? Have you ever participated in a game of tag? Do you go for a run? All these things add up to more molecules in your lungs each day. Most of us spend so much time breathing that we don't even notice it. When was the last time you took a moment to notice your breath? You could notice if you take deep breaths while exercising, but that's probably all. Being aware of your breath, on the other hand, might be beneficial to your health. Air and lungs Do you believe that all your breathing